
November Issue

Happy Thanksgiving 

Bon Appetit

2 ESO students connect Middle Ages to Recycling

3 ESO students start promoting Solidarity Campaign

Reduce, reuse and recycle

Holiday Card Exchange for 1 ESO pupils

A Journey to an exotic country

Students on strike!

History of Art (I) Rococco and Neoclassicism

Time for Mystery

II Athletics Meeting


Bon Appetit!

IPM students, Phoebe and Esther,  bring traditional recipes to the 1 ESO class. After informing students about Belgian  traditional food and revealing  a secret recipe for cinammon biscuits, they had to answer pupils' questions about their likes, dislikes, their country, their town, their school and a long list

2 ESO students connect Middle Ages to Recycling

After studying Middle Ages and analysing this historical period, 2 ESO A students have designed and  created models of medieval artifacts using recycled materials.


3 ESO students start promoting JM solidarity campaign

As part of the preparations for the Caring Street Market, which will be held  in December, 3 ESO B pupils  have informed their schoolmates and decorated school premises with  posters giving details about this action. The money raised during this campaign will be given to a local NGO selected by the own pupils.

 Reduce, reuse and recycle

I'm sure everybody has heard of the 3 R's - reduce, reuse and recycle.  In fact, practising the  3 R's seems to be the only way to cut back on the millions of tonnes of rubbish and waste that we produce every year.
How can we help? Well, we can help by learning about and practicing the three R's of waste management. And this is precisaly what 1 bachillerato students will be doing during this month: to research on this topic and  prepare scientific posters to show their conclusions.

So remember,  if you want to make a difference to the Earth's health and contribute to improve the environment and, as a result, world economy, start practising the 3 R's.


 Holiday Card Exchange for Year 1 pupils

1 ESO pupils take part in international IEARN project. The project, called "Holiday Card Exchange", involves exchanging greeting cards through the mail, as well as learning about other participating schools through the iEARN forums.
Our school has been placed in a group along with other 7 schools located in countries such as Canada or Russia. In order to meet the requirements of the project, 1 ESO pupils have been asked to prepare a Christmas card and an introduction letter well in advance, so that envelopes with greetings arrive at each participant before the schools start their Christmas holidays.

A journey to an exotic country

2 ESO A and B students prepare presentations and videos showing their virtual journeys to exotic countries such as Jamaica, Malaysia, Singapore or even Tuvalu. These far-away countries were once part of the British Commonwealth. This final task has been the round-off for the unit Getting There, where students have had the opportunity to learn about transport, travel, countries, and much more
To see some of these presentations and videos, click here

More Geography: Countries and important cities by 3 ESO


Students on strike!

Last Wednesday,  November, 14th , a few students of 4º B (Bil) went on strike; but they didn't wear the clothes they usually wear, they dressep up in a completely different way and  they also felt differently because they were on strike dressing like Ancient Regime population. They are really worried about the actual situation in Spain, and they wanted to express how they felt about that. They felt that the situation nowadays is really similar to the social situation at the end of the XVIII and early XIX. They used those moments for making pictures imitating pictures of those times. Here we can see some examples.

Jose Luis Torrecillas as Robespierre. 
Group of students reenacting key moments in social history
 Aristocrats at tea meeting
May Day Poster
A Bourgoise Family

History of Art (I): Rococo and Neoclassicism

 Natural disasters by 4 ESO


Time for Mystery 

After music films, now comes the time for mystery and suspense. The film chosen this time has been Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, a landmark in film history.

II Athletics Competition: 

IES P. Jimenez Montoya & IES Alcrebite 


by Rocío Tudela Perales, MªIsabel Castillo García and María Martinez Manzano  

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

 A lot of people worked very hard to make this sport meeting possible once again. The past 29th of November in our high school we could see a competition between Pedro Jimenez Montoya, our high school, and IES Alcrebite. The competitions were more like a fight between these two rivals. It was amazing; the people lived all the events to the extreme. The competitors and the observers were suffering every single moment until the end. Although the weather was very cold, everyone remained there to see what would happen. 

Below you can see the different sport events held and the winners:

-         60m hurdles feminine: Georgina (Alcrebite)
-         60m hurdles masculine: Anselmo ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         200m hurdles feminine: Elena ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         200m hurdles masculine: Jorge ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         100 meters masculine: Jose Llorente ( Alcrebite)
-         100 meters feminine: Julia ( Alcrebite)
-         Women's shot put: Verónica ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         Men’s shot put: Jesús Mirón( Alcrebite)
-         Long jump feminine: Lidia ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         Long jump masculine: Raúl Eladio ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         200 meters feminine: Julia ( Alcrebite)
-         200 meters masculine:  Jose Llorente ( Alcrebite)
-         Triple jump feminine: Lidia ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         Triple jump masculine: Raúl Eladio ( Pedro Jiménez Montoya )
-         1500 meters: Sheila ( Alcrebite)
-         100 relay feminine: Draw( Alcrebite)
-         100 relay masculine: Alcrebite
-         200 relay feminine: Alcrebite
-         200 relay masculine: Jiménez

Every year this sport competition is held to see which of these high school improves its marks. This year our high school was the winner and that is why all the students are grateful and proud of our Pedro Jiménez Montoya.

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